Production technology of Capsicum/Chilli

More PowerPoint presentations from Ankit Gadhiya

1)    Botanical Name:        Capsicum annum L.
2)    Family:                        Solanaceae
3)    Chromosome No:      2n = 24
4)    Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
  Class: Angiosperm
     Order: Solanales
         Family: Solanaceae
            Genus: Capsicum
                 Species: annum
5)    Origin:
·        It is a native of Mexico and Guatemala.
6)    Common name: Shimla Mirch
7)    Importance and Utility:
·        Capsicum have important role in our daily diet.
·        They are used to increased the palatability and taste of cooked vegetables.
·        They are used to prepare pickles, soups, Sauce etc. and it is also cooked as a vegetable and also mixed with potato.
8) Climatic requirement:
Table 35 Climatic requirement of Capsicum
Name of crop
Day (0C)
Night (0C)
Humidity (%)
Light intensity (Lux)

9)  Varieties:
·     Open-pollinated capsicums still dominate the market but more recently a number of hybrids are becoming popular among the growers. Hybrids are superior in yield and quality fruits.
·    Open-pollinated varieties are Arka Mohini, Arka Gaurav, Arka Basant, California Wonder and Pusa Deepti. Bharat, Indra, Sun 1090 and Green Gold are popular hybrids.
10)     Raising seedlings:
·       The seeds of capsicum should be sown in a plug tray. The plug tray should be filled with Cocopeat.
·        The seeds should be treated with Thiram or Bavistin @ 2g/kg.
·        Seedlings are ready for transplanting 4-5 weeks after sowing.
11)     Fumigation Process:
·        It is marketed as Formalin, an aqueous solution, which contains 37-40% formaldehyde, which has a poor penetration and diffusion ability.
·        The Formalin used for sterilization should be mixed with water in 1:10 proportion. For drenching Formalin is used at the rate of 7.5 lit for 100 sq. mt. i.e. 37.5 lit of Formalin will be required for polyhouse.
·        After drenching, planting is done after two weeks, this method is not effective against nematodes and it should not to be used in a standing crop.
12)     Bed Preparation:
·        Raised bed of following dimension is prepared.
·        Top width-    90cm
·         Height     - 40 cm
·        Bottom width of bed – 100cm
13)     Planting Distance:
·         40 cm between two plants
·         50 cm between two rows
--> 60 X 60 Cm also use
14)     Planting material:
·        Disease free seedlings of three to four weeks old are used for transplanting, with ideal seedling height of 16-18cms.
15)   Planting method:
·     Two rows of Capsicum seedlings are planted in a zigzag method on the bed.
16)     Steps in plantation of Capsicum:
·        Pebbles, clods etc. should be removed from bed surface.
·        Adequate moisture must be available in the soil at the time of plantation.
·        The seedlings should be dipped in Bavistin (0.2 %) solution at the time of plantation. 
·        Plantation to be done by making holes or trenches on bed in a zigzag method
·        Planting should be avoided during the hottest period of the day/year & should normally be done during morning hours or late in the evening.  
17)   Care after plantation:
·     The soil around the plants must be kept humid but not soaking wet.
·     Irrigate the plant with hose pipe immediately after plantation. During periods with strong sunshine or high temperature, the young plants must frequently be given an over head spray of water to assist establishment & reduce post planting losses.
·     For first three weeks the irrigation should be done only by using hose sprayer & later on irrigation should be done by drip system. 
18)   Planting density:
                                           Planting density

Sr. No.
Area of poly house (m2)
Planting density
Total plants required
2.5- 3.5 plants/ m2
1400- 1960
2.5-3.5 plants/ m2
2520- 3528

   Fungicide drenching schedule:
                        Fungicide drenching schedule
Sr. No.
Time of drenching
1 g/litre
Immediately after plantation
M – 45
1 g/litre
3 days after plantation
1.5 g/litre
7 days after plantation
M – 45
1.5 g/litre
10 days after plantation
2 g/litre
14 days after plantation
M – 45
2 g/litre
17 days after plantation
·     Quantity of water 50 ml/plants to be used while drenching.
20)     Irrigation:
·        Frequent irrigation is essential for plant growth, fruiting and yield.
·        The crop should be irrigated at 3-6 days interval.
·        However during summer more irrigation is required due to higher surface evaporation.
·        Now a days Drip method of irrigation is practiced. Drip system is highly economical and produces quality capsicums.
21)     Manures and Fertilizers:
·        9 to 10 tones / hectare of FYM or compost are applied at the time of field preparation. 
·        In capsicum 100 kg N, 50kg P & 50 kg K should be applied per hectare.
·        Fertilizers are applied in four equal doses.
·        First applied at the time transplanting remaining doses are applied at 4th, 11th & 13th week after transplanting.
22)     Mulching:
·        The most common straw mulch to be applied to soil when capsicums are about 2feet height.
·        The mulch reduces evaporation of water from the soil and prevents compaction of the soil surface.
·        White (reflective) plastic mulches are recommended to control weeds, conserve moisture, reduce humidity and improve light conditions and also to avoid soil contact and prevent diseases.
23)   Cultural Practices:
·     Capsicum is a nine months to one year crop and production starts after 60 to 75 days from the date of plantation. The different cultural practices to be carried out are as below:
a)    Crop support:
·        Some varieties are very vigorous & plant can become as tall as 3.5 m and they produce about 4 - 5 kg fruits on one plant in their life cycle.
·        As stems are weak, they need support system.
·        Plant stem after transplantation is tied by a high density plastic or nylon string.
·        Twines are vertical ropes that are tied to horizontal wires on the ceiling at one end and to the crop at another end.
·        Twines of good quality are used to hang from horizontal wires at least
3 m above the ground
·        Horizontal wire used should not have thickness less than 12 gauges, as it supports the weight of all plants in the row. If the wire is weak it will break and lead to losses.
·        Three rows of over head horizontal wires are required for one bed and for each single plant four numbers of twines are required.
b)    Topping
·        The growing point at the top of the plant is removed. This operation is called topping.
·        This technique is adopted for producing more branches.
·        This is practiced after one month period from transplantation.
·        After topping two or four main leaders are kept where as the lateral shoots is pinched first leaf (internodes) or second leaf (internodes).
·        One or two fruits per side shoot are maintained.
24)     Training in capsicum:
Two – leader system of training:
Ankit Gadhiya- Capsicum Training

·        In this system of training two main shoots are maintained as two leaders after topping.
·        Side shoots are pinched after one or two pairs of leaves; generally one fruit is kept per side shoot.

b)    Four - leader system:
·        In this system of training four main shoots are maintained as four leaders after topping. 
·        Side shoots are pinched after one or two pairs of leaves; generally one fruit is kept per side shoot.
25)     Fruit thinning
·        When there are too many fruits on the plant, it is necessary to remove some fruits, to promote the development of remaining fruits. This operation is called as fruit thinning. 
·        Fruit thinning is done when the fruit is of pea size.
·        This practice is normally followed to increase the size of fruit thus by increasing the quality of production. 
26)     Pollination:
·        Capsicums are self pollinating but there is high degree of cross pollination because of honey bees, thrips and other insects that transfer pollen from blossom to blossom.
·        Pollination is not improved by using an “electric bees” or by spraying plant hormones but pollination is clearly better when honey bees or bumble bees fly in the green house.
·        Bees increase the number of seeds in capsicum fruits.
27)     Maturity indices:
·        Harvesting of capsicum is done at green, breaker and coloured (red/ yellow etc.) stage. 
·        It depends upon the purpose for which it is grown and distance for the ultimate market.
·        In India fruits are harvested at breaker stage for long distant markets.
·        For local market, it is better to harvest coloured stage.
·        Breaker stage is the one when 10% of the fruit surface is coloured and when more than 90% of the fruit surface is coloured it is considered as coloured stage.
28)     Harvesting:
·        Harvesting starts after 60 to 75 days after transplanting & should be done with the help of sharp knife.
·        Harvesting at the proper stage of maturity, careful and minimal handling of the produce will help in maintaining better fruit quality and reduce storage losses.
·        Harvesting is generally done during morning and evening hours.
·        Avoid harvesting immediately after fogging to check the disease and pest under control and to maintain better keeping quality of fruit.
29)     Yield
·        8 to 10 kg/ m2.
·        4 kg per plant/year
·        5000kg or 5 tons per 500 sqm area per year
·        Harvesting of capsicum is done by skilled worker in green house and kept in plastic containers and send to the packaging hall.
30)     Post harvest:
a)    Cleaning and Grading:
All damaged, malformed and bruised capsicums should be removed. Those with   dirt adhering to their surface can be cleaned by wiping the surface with a moist soft cloth. The capsicums should be graded into same size and colour lots according to market requirements.
b)    Sorting:
Sorting is done on the basis of shape and weight of capsicum.
c)     Packing:
·        Capsicum is packed in cartons and should hold about 10 kg or 12 kg of capsicum.
·        Mostly farmers use apple boxes (used ones) for packaging capsicum for local market.  
v An ideal corrugated boxes carries following in formation.  
·        On top side of the lid “Fresh vegetables” is printed.
·        On width wise side of the lid “Variety, number of capsicums, gross and net weight of box, box number is written on both sides.
·        On length wise side of the lid “Fresh vegetable and handle with care is written on both sides.”
·        Senders and buyers address with phone number.
d)    Storage :
Capsicums can be stored in a cool room at a temperature of 7–10 °C for up to 3 weeks if required.
31)     Insect-Pest and its control:
a)    Chilli Thrips:
Thrips is the common pest which affects the crop throughout its life cycle. But they are more severe when plants begin to flower. These small insects suck the sap from the foliage and lacerate the leaf tissue, which result in curling of leaves and fall down of flowers prematurely.
·        Control Measures:
Thrips can effectively be controlled by spraying carbaryl 50 W @ 3 gm or Zolene @ 3 ml or Dimethoate (Rogor 30 EC) or Monocrotophos (Monocil)  1 ml per litre of water at fortnightly interval
b)    Pod Borer:
The caterpillar oat leaves and later on bores the pod, which result in the deterioration of quality and market price of the product.
·        Control Measures:
The control measures are timely spraying the crop with quinalphos (Exalux-25 EC) @ 4 ml or carbaryl 50 W, (Sevin 50 W) @ 3 gm per litre of water, starting from flower bud formation.
c)     Aphids:
Aphid sucks the sap from the plants; they generally attack the crop in winter months and at the later stages of the crop. The quality of the produce is spoiled by imparting blackish colour to the Calyx and pods. They also serve as a Vector to Virus,
·        Control Measures:
The aphids can effectively be controlled by spraying the crop with Dimethoate (Rogor-30 EC) or Methyl Parathion (Metacid 50 EC) @ lm (or Phosphamidon (Demicron-100 EC) @ 0.5 ml per litre of whiter.
32)     Disease and its control:
a)    Damping Off:
It is a serious disease of Brinjal seedlings and mainly occurs in nursery bed. The disease infected seedlings rot at ground level and then the plants fall over ground. The seedlings die in patches.
·        Control Measures:
1.      The seed bed should be treated with Formalin before sowing of seeds.
2.      The seeds should be treated without water (30 minutes at 520 C) or Cerasan or Agrosan before sowing of seed.
3.      The seedlings in the nursery should be sprayed with any fungicides at a regular interval.
b)    Bacterial Leaf Spot:
Small dark, greasy spots are formed on leaf, petiole and tender parts, of the plant. Water soaked spots appear on green fruits. In severe cases the leaf may drop off arid cause considerable loss to the crop.
·        Control Measures:
Spraying Agrimycin - 100 k at 200 ppm plus copper oxychloride 0.3 per cent controls the disease effectively.
c)     Anthracnose:
Dark sunken spots are formed of fruits and pink or dark coloured dots appear in the centre of the sunken spots. Due to this spots, the fruits rot and fall, the fungus may cause "Die back" of the twigs also. Die back disease attacks mainly the upper portion of the plants spreading gradually from the top to downward; as a result the branches dry up. Moist weather, shade and heavy dew favour the occurrence of the disease.
·        Control Measures:
The control measures are the treatment of seed with Cerasan before sowing, removing and burning of attacked plants or branches and spraying the disease affected crops with Mancozeb (Dithane M-45) @ 2.5 gm per litre of water.
d)    Leaf Curl:
The disease affected leaves becomes small in size accompanied by downward curling. The leaves may fall off in case of sever attack. The disease usually spreads through insect vectors such as thrips and aphids etc.
·        Control Measures: 

Control of insect vectors by spraying the crop with Dimethoate (Rogor -30 EC) or Monocrotophos (Monocil) @ 1 ml per litre of water indirectly helps to check the spread of this disease.

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